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Home / Voters / Voter Information

Information for Voters

The Voting Period for the upcoming 2022 Municipal Election will begin on Thursday, October 13, 2022 until Monday, October 24, 2022 at 8:00 p.m. (Election Day). The Township will be using internet and telephone voting as the only voting methods in this year's Election. There will be no paper ballots.

A person is entitled to be an elector if, on Election Day, the person is:

  • A Canadian citizen;
  • At least 18 years old;
  • A resident of the Township, an owner or tenant of land in the Township, or the spouse of an owner or tenant; and
  • Is not otherwise prohibited from voting.

Anyone who fulfills the above requirements is eligible to vote for Mayor, Ward Councillor, and School Board Trustees.

Between April and August of 2022, municipal enumerations will be conducted by MPAC in order to prepare a preliminary list of electors for the Township. If you have moved since the last election in 2018, or have not confirmed your citizenship through MPAC, you may not be on the list. The Township encourages all voters to participate in MPAC’s 2022 municipal enumeration.

Are you on the Voter's List?

To learn more about how the municipal enumeration is completed, and why it's so important to update your elector information on, please read about MPAC's Role in Municipal Elections.

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